A Late Medieval round-section gold hoop with engraved stylistic leaves at the shoulder, bezel with four D-shaped scooped sides – quatrefoil bezel and central sqaure-cut garnet.
Designs of the floral and foliate engraving on the bands recall the border decoration in English Gothic manuscripts. These manuscripts provide the decorated antecedents in paint for the goldsmith work on cusped rings.
Paintings of the period convey some idea of the immense popularity of this type ring in Northern Europe. The most striking comparison is with Gerard David’s Portrait of a Goldsmith (c. 1495) and another painting, Peter Christus’s Goldsmith and his shop (1449).
Source: Toward an Art History of Medieval Rings – A private collection
Material: Gold 22 carat
Weight: 3,41 gram
Date: Medieval period, 15th century AD
Condition: Extremely fine condition, wearable
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